
Wasn’t That Once You?

You know that person you are criticising about their relationship? Wasn’t that once you?

You know that person who is going out too much, drinking too much, partying it up way too hard? Wasn’t that once you?

You know that person who keeps making the same mistakes over and over again? Making the same ‘wrong’ choices over and over again? Wasn’t that once you?
You know that person who lives a materialistic life thinking that this is his only true value? Wasn’t that once you?

You know that person who is trying so desperately to fit in? Who will say and do just about anything for love and acceptance? Wasn’t that once you?

You know that person who eats so much junk food and doesn’t take care of himself? Or the person who starves themselves because they feel like they don’t fit in? Wasn’t that once you?

You know that person who lashes out at the world in anger, in pain, in deep sorrow? Wasn’t that once you?

All of these and so much more was/is me!! I claim it and I own it… But, I worked on it and continue to work on who I am for ME! Not for others so I can fit in… Not so I can tick one of my silly boxes… Not so I can tick one of your silly boxes… I do this because the world needs growth! The world needs love! The world needs authentic people who own up to who they are!!!

I choose this every single day… In every single action… In every single smile… In every single encounter with another human being… I consciously make the effort to love others and to love myself… ALL of me and ALL of you!!
Let’s at least try to catch ourselves while we are judging others… Let’s at least try to look at ourselves and what WE can actually do to make things better…

In Love always,
Our Heart Centre 💟