Holistic Healing and Therapy

All of our wonderful workshops and retreats assist you in becoming your best self.

For more information on upcoming events, please see below. 


Email  info@ourheartcentre.co.za

or WhatsApp +27 72 846 1942

Sound Journey Meditation

Sound Journey Meditation can assist in getting you in harmony with the world around you. 
Join us on the first Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8pm at Our Heart Centre in Midrand for an evening of relaxing and releasing, tuning into your soul, and allowing the rhythms to flow through you.
R150 a session or R600 for 6 months investment 💚
Booking is essential so please email info@ourheartcentre.co.za or
WhatsApp 072 846 1942 to book your spot!

Shadow Work Workshop

Investment: R2200 for both days

Exploring your shadow can lead to greater authenticity, creativity, energy and personal awakening. 
Remaining unconscious of the shadow hurts our relationships with our spouses, family and friends. It will impact our professional relationships as well as our leadership abilities.
Benefits of doing Shadow work-
 – Improved relationships
 – Clearer perception
 – Enhanced energy and physical health
 – Psychological integration and maturity
 – Greater creativity 
We will also have the wonderful medicine of San Pedro on offer for those who would like to deepen their experience.🌵
To find a deeper connection with your Self, join us for the Shadow Work Workshop.

Sacred Changa Smoking Ceremony

R550 Investment

Changa is a botanical preparation of DMT. It is DMT held with the consciousness of the master plant teachers, offering deeper introspection, healing and understanding. DMT is known as the Spirit Molecule and offers many wonderful gifts including expansion of the mind, healing of your physical body, healing of your mental and emotional bodies, transcendence and awakening to a new understanding of self and the world around you. 
During the experience, our team of facilitators will guide you with a wonderful sound journey and you will receive energy healing through the space.
The Revolution is The Evolution of Our Consciousness Merging as One into Our Land. You can’t find a revolution bounded by this symbolic trance, you have to start changing the conditions for there to be a movement that disassociates itself from all ideas that pain and wound us as a progressive process. This is adaptation, and we are of its gift.
Ye Are Gods, Not tools of fools. This is our time to extend and expand our nature as One.
For healing or exploration, join us as we extend and expand our nature as One.

If you feel called to work with this sacred medicine, join us for our Sacred Changa Smoking Ceremony.


Sweat Lodge 

Investment: R600 

The Sweat Lodge is an ancient purification ritual… a sacred medicine practiced by many cultures worldwide. The ceremony is used to give thanks and seek wisdom. It is a way to connect with mother earth, using the natural elements of fire, earth, water and air to heal and cleanse.

The sweat lodge is a dome shaped structure, which is intended to represent the womb of mother earth.

The ceremony itself is divided into four rounds. Each round differs… they may be held in silence, or accompanied by singing, chanting or prayers. Hot rocks are placed in the center of the lodge before each round, and during the ceremony, water is poured over the heated rocks – creating steam and increasing the temperature. The intense heat generated by the steam, encourages the sweating out of toxins and negative energies that create imbalance in our lives. In this way, the sweat lodge ceremony cleanses the body, mind and soul.
We will share a light dinner after your experience to nourish your body

Join us to connect with the wisdom and guidance that the ancient practice of the Sacred Sweat Lodge has to offer.

Moon Workshop

R550 Investment

Have you ever wondered how we connect to the moon as human- and spiritual beings?
What the archetypes are and how the different phases of the moon affect us in our every day lives?

If you are drawn to Isis, Selene, Luna. If you are drawn to the ocean and the tides this workshop is for you.
It’s no co-incidence that the ocean takes up 70% of the earths surface and our bodies are made up of 70% water…
Come and join this fascinating, explorative journey around and through the moon with us!
We will also have the wonderful medicine of San Pedro on offer for those who would like to deepen their experience.🌵

Join us for the Moon Workshop as we explore how the Moon can be our guide towards Self Realization. 


Angy-Lee Private Sessions

R600 Investment Per Session

Book a private holistic healing or counselling session with Angy-Lee to address and clear trauma; assist with understanding your past lessons and pain; understanding Self on a deeper level; forging a path forward; healing ancestral trauma and ties; physical, mental or emotional healing; dealing with Shadows; etc.

Whatever modality of healing your soul asks for, Angy-Lee will assist in either channeling, clearing, unblocking through sound, energy and/or plant medicine healing.


holistic healing and therapy sessions