
The Opposite of What You Know is Also True.

We all experience life differently, and there are multiple theories on what’s best, what’s moral, what’s right and what’s wrong. Our opinions and beliefs tend to change depending on our time, place, and circumstance, so it’s important to remember that other people’s perspective on reality is as valid as our own.
The opposite of what you know is also true.
No matter how certain we are about our version of the truth, we must humbly accept the possibility that someone who believes the exact opposite could also be right (according to their time, place, and circumstance). This is the key to forgiveness, patience, and understanding.
Having said that, tolerance does NOT mean accepting what is harmful. Oftentimes the lesson we are to learn is when to say “no,” the right time to walk away, and when to remove ourselves from the very cause of anguish. After all, we are the ones who create the environment in which we live.
You don’t have to agree with, only learn to peacefully live with, other people’s freedom of choice. This includes (but is not limited to) political views, religious beliefs, dietary restrictions, matters of the heart, and career paths.
I have noticed that people’s definition of everyday words like “comfortable” and “clean” are often very different from my own. The opposite of what I knew to be true is just as true for others, which is very humbling.
If two people can have very different definitions of what “far” means, for example, imagine bigger words like “right,” “wrong,” “God,” and “love.”

In Love Always


Our Heart Centre 💟