
Watch Your Words and Actions.

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I have always been petrified of spiders, always! I couldn’t even look at one on the TV, it freaked me out completely. When Adrian was about 7 yrs old, I saw him freak out over a daddy long legs and I realised the impact I was making on this impressionable soul.

I have always been petrified of spiders, always! I couldn’t even look at one on the TV, it freaked me out completely. When Adrian was about 7 yrs old, I saw him freak out over a daddy long legs and I realised the impact I was making on this impressionable soul.

So, I would very bravely introduce him to spiders in pictures, and when we saw any spiders, I would calmly walk out the room telling him they were good, while everything inside of me screamed out in absolute terror… Of course, a whole different story when I was on my own 🤣

Five years ago we were adopted as parents by a little kitten, and having been told my whole childhood that cats are bad and scary, and seeing the reactions of fear and loathing from those around me, my first reaction was rejection of looking after this kitten ourselves, but rather to take it to a shelter where it could find a home with genuine cat love… Ha ha ha!!!!! Well, seeing this baby in Paul’s arms, and then having it crawl into my arms, helpless and just wanting love, it took over my heart. In just a few days, little Cruise helped me discover a whole new level of love… Selfless, beautiful, pure love… 

Dear parents, please, watch what you say and do around ALL children… You are teaching them your misguided beliefs, your fears and your habits. Children are SO impressionable, and deserve to make their own choices in love!!!!

When Adrian was little, I never ever went to the “vegetables are yucky” statement. Instead, when he was 3, I showed him pictures of Popeye, and he loved veggies simply because I showed him how yummy they are and how good they are for you… Let’s be mindful parents, at ALL times!! No excuses to ourselves or to those around us…

In Love always,


Our Heart Centre 💟