
Many people ask me about Ayahuasca, what it does, how it works and what is accomplished during an Ayahuasca Retreat

How do you begin explain the power of Plant Consciousness and tuning in to the Magik of the Universe and its clogs and keys?

The first thing to know is that every single being is completely unique according to their bloodline, belief system, culture, upbringing, religion, country of origin, life-lessons, etc etc. So experiences are all so completely different taking into account all of the above threads and so much more. To go and watch a clip online and watch somebody else’s experience is truly not going to be conducive in any way. This is their own unique experience according to all the above-mentioned threads of their own existence.

Ayahuasca is a tea which is brewed for a couple of weeks. We ensure the energy is correct when brewed, both in the space it’s brewed in and by the person brewing.  That person will sing and play music, offering prayers and bringing in whatever the medicine is calling for at that point.

When you ingest the tea, ensure that you have the right setting as well as a person who is well versed/trained to guide you and hold your space. At Our Heart Centre, we ensure you are safe and held. As your journey unfold we work with sounds and sing various songs and ancient Icaros to guide you through your journey.

What Ayahuasca can do for you

For me, Ayahuasca and plant medicine consciousness shows you all perspectives around a lesson or a trauma which you haven’t shifted through or past. The medicine helps you gain perspective in order to release and relinquish the perceived control. We have that in our minds regarding a situation, trauma, event or lesson. We simply cannot shift forward or grow if we have this heavy bag of trauma we hold in our subconscious mind which needs to be resolved, understood and released. 
Ayahuasca could also possibly shine a light for you on your purpose and assist you with ‘seeing’ your path forward. For some, it could be tuning in to consciousness itself to see the ‘bigger picture’ and how to assist in planetary consciousness.
The experiences are truly profound and insightful. The healing is beyond the extraordinary.
I do need to hilite though that the incredible medicine simply shines its beautiful light for you to look, but the choice still remains yours to see. When you see, it is then up to you to do the work in the biggest ceremony of all, your life!! It is up to you to take the tools and apply what was shown to you… for healer, heal thyself!! The power lies within, but it is up to YOU to make the effort.

There are four kinds of Ayahuasca journeys a person could encounter: 


1.  Body work in which Ayahuasca cleanses and clears your physical body of stuck energy. You could experience a variety of shakes and trauma release or various shifting of energy releasing and aligning within.


2.  Deep sleep is also common. When you journey through a deep sleep, it is usually an extremely deep trauma which is being dealt with. In some cases, after the ceremony when you are with a loved one or someone you trust, you are able to remember and unpack the trauma gently and safely.


3.  A visit from Spirit guides/Ancestors/Beings is such a powerful journey. They could show up to guide you through your journey or bring you messages.


4.  A Visual journey could guide you through your childhood or through traumas showing you different/new perspectives; It could guide you through past lives; It could guide you through other people’s lives in order to help you gain perspective/understanding.

Ayahuasca truly is ten years of therapy in ten hours.

But please understand that if you embark on this journey, it is a journey, not a quick fix.

The actual retreat is ten percent of your ceremony, the other ninety percent is applying what you learnt to live your fullest and best life.

We offer a complimentary consultation with Angy-Lee, the founder and medicine woman of Our Heart Centre. This meeting offers you the opportunity to discuss your healing journey, any questions you have around sacred medicine of Ayahuasca as well as get a feel for our Heart Centre and how we resonate with you.